Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Past few days...

April Fools guys, if you didn't figure that out.

I'm staying in NZ (with exception to my detour to Oz) for the next couple of months. Just figured I was going to give you guys an update on what's been happening, which is...not a lot.

A couple of days ago I walked to the Center of NZ which is right here in Nelson, I didn't feel complete, as I expected, but now I can say that I've been in the geographical center of NZ - yay.

Also, went out partying with some people I met at the hostel, and I finally met that one really cool bartender who gave cheap drinks. We got to buy 4 shots for 6.50 NZD which is just ridiculous! Beer was cheap, but shots were cheaper :P Also made 2 more contact in Oz for when I get there, so I'm gonna give them a shout when I'm there, and maybe do some partying with them, which I'm partially looking forward to.

What else...hmmm...oh yeah, at first I was working for my accommodation by cleaning the hostel 3 hrs a day, but I was then offered the shuttle bus driver position which reduced my time from 3 hrs to about max...40minutes. All I had to do was go and pick people up from the bus station with the hostel bus, and then come back. That's it, simple as pie.

Trying to figure anything else that is new...uh...nope. Oh yeah, I'm leaving Nelson tomorrow on the 3rd, and then I'll have southbound course, and be doing the West coast again (but skip the towns I've already been to). And then try and be in Dunedin in about a week where I hope to be dropping off my car somewhere while I'm in Oz, and then I'll just hitchhike up to Christchurch to catch my flight. And I might have a passenger to join me on my travels, but we'll see what kind of person it is. Hopefully she'll be a good traveling companion.

Oh, and the ship I mentioned, all the info I gave is legit, and I didn't know Ms. D, you can bet your ass that I would be on top of that mast heading out to Fiji and kicking ass! It's a bit pricey, but well worth it in my opinion. Too bad. I might fly to Fiji to sail with them around the Islands over there, but nothing is for sure, all that money would add up. Only time will tell.

Aight guys, gonna go now. No photos today, sorry :(

Talk to you guys soon!

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