Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kerr splat!

Work has been interesting, I don't know if it has reached all the way to Sweden or else where in the world, but where I work, there was a riot. I can't talk about it, due to a NDA I signed. Lame. However, you can read about it here. Good news is that I'm okay, nothing bad happened, I didn't even witness it. Non of the kitchen staff did. And that's all I'm going to write about that.

Oh, I'm making some serious bank with this gig. Already a bit bored of the job, but like I said before, the people make it for me. And so far, I've been getting more and more hours. Example: week 1: 48.5; week 2: 56.5; this week I'll end up having done 60 hours! W00t!

A friend of mine has now left Darwin which was a bit of a bummer, but you know, nothing new about that.

Also, I found out a way to keep myself cool while I'm sleeping. Sleeping with the doors open isn't really an option for me, I had to come up with an alternative.

Here's how I was thinking, use the rear vent on the car as a source of fresh air. What's a good powerful fan, and small? Computer fans! Ok, where do I get one cheap, or free? Internet cafe! I get an old PSU (power supply unit) and strip it, and realize that there's a powere switch inside of it as well! Score! Use the wire sticking out of it too, and then hooked it all up to my second battery. At first, I was using blue tac to keep on the vent, but it made some serious noise by it's vibrations. So, it had to hang, and be loose, and absorb the vibrations. Rubber bands! It's now hanging down, suspended by the rubber bands, sucking in good air for me. It's great! I actually need the covers now, because it cools me down that much. Next upgrade, install a fan speed regulator, so I can make it a bit more quiet and energy efficient.

As some of you may of figured out, there was something going on between Amy and me. And I apologize if I didn't tell you about it, I just didn't want to be bombarded with the usual questions, so I kept a bit hush hush. She left for Brisi on the 25th of August, and it's been a weird period without her around. However, the old skool me has been popping back out and executed the standard mental protocols of ending the emotional tie. I've been asking myself how long do I want to keep this...skill? Talent? Whatever you call it, I know I can do it extremely well, and very quickly. Hmm...

I think I actually wrote something about that before, oh well. I'm pretty tired, sitting at the Golden Arches waiting for the battery of my laptop to finish charging. Ok, laters!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


This is getting weird. Or I don't know, maybe just getting annoying.

"Where you from?"


"Oh...how about you?"


"Ooooh...." He gets back in his car and drives off.

I can walk through the parking lot where I hang out sometimes, and just hear French or German. They clutter together, and just stay that way. Oh, and they complain that there's so many of them.

Funny, eh?

No, don't get me wrong, I like both nations, and the people that come from them, but damn it. Usually, when they try to stick to english, it only lasts about for 5 minutes, and they switch to their native language amongst themselves. And wonder why their english doesn't improve as it could. Food for thought.

Tonight, when I rocked up to my usual showering area, the parking lot was chocka block full of vans and backpackers. I get out, and I was surrounded by Germans. My response. Take a shower, and hauled ass out of there to my Fortress of Solitude (read: picnic area by East Point Reserve).

On a lighter note, the detention centre gig is going well. I'm learning Indonesian as I work, and here's some:

Nashi – rise

Kotta – box

Pirring – plate

Sabi – meet

Iam – chicken

Sousou - milk

Terra makasi – thank you

Tirul (I think) – egg

Kuggi – squid

Ikan – fish

I made a movie which is on YouTube and hope you enjoy it, because it was fun making it. Just too bad I didn't have a enough footage for a really good movie.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Working It

I'm now working at the Berrimah Defence. Which is also a detention center for asylum seekers and people who were being smuggled.

Working as a kitchen hand and I also serve the 'clients' as they're called.

This will be interesting.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Changing times

The past few days have been interesting for me.

I was recruited to help out a company by the name of ALPA (Ahrnem Land
Progression Association) by removing some shelving from an old Coles
store which has now been shut down. The shelves will be sent to remote
Aboriginal communities out in the bush for their chain of stores,
which by the way has a great business plan: get the community healthy
by putting a tax on junk food. They've been doing this for the past
10-20 years if I remember correctly. And Australians call Aboriginals
stupid. Anyway, I digress.

The HR manager was the one who I had to work with, and through him
(mind you, he's a white guy) he told me a lot of information. A lot of
things most of Australians never tell you, mainly because they don't
know. Like how there's 100 jobs in a community of about 1500 people.
FUBAR? Oh yes. Anyway, he tells me how great the Aboriginals out there
are awesome, and true to their old way of life. Maybe not to the point
of running around in their old skool clothing, which comprised of
nothing, more so that they focus on keeping the language and culture
alive. Props for that.

You look at the people in the cities, and they're pretty much the
exact thing that you're average Australian thinks and talks about
Aboriginals. Drunkards. Now, not all of them are bad when they get
drunk, but some of them are. As are some white people, but sadly
Aboriginals just don't have the biology to handle booze like the
majority of human population does. Tragic, and something I can't

Going on, one thing that I do hear from the both sides, is that
Aboriginals don't really control their kids like Westerners do, or
other cultures for that fact. Or maybe it's just a generation thing,
and not so much a cultural specific issue. For example, today, there
for three kids hanging out in McDonalds, just hanging out, listening
to their music on their phones, and just screaming whenever someone
just walked through the door. It was so retarded. This was around
23.30 mind you, on a Friday, and they were not even 15. What. The.
Fuck. Don't they have anything better to do? Do they run away from
home, because all the male members of their family have goes at finger
fucking them or what? Sorry for being blunt, but at this point in
time, I'm over it. If there are problems at home, shouldn't they be
solved? Ok, this topic isn't just a touch'n'go topic, it's a
get-your-swim-shorts-on-because-we're-going-into-the-deep-end kind of

Oh, and what the hell is all this shit of having ear plugs in your
ears when you're hanging out with your friends? Jesus, I'm getting old
aren't I? Listen to me. However, what's funniest, is when you see a
whole group of kids doing it? What started this trend? Fashion? Well,
I have one thing to tell you fashion: Get fucked. Who on the hell do
you think you are? Why do we let it influence us so much? It's beyond
retarded. No joke. It's like we were all dropped on our heads, and
then we figured it would be fun to drop ourselves off of some ledge
(head first of course) and cause brain damage for ourselves to make
dealing with choice and individuality as simple as possible.

I talked to the manager of McDonalds, asking him if it's a common
thing that Aboriginals hang out and just cause a ruckus. His reply is
yes, it's all the time. They can't ask them to leave because it would
be classified as racist, and as long as they're not destroying
property, they can do pretty much whatever they like. By the way, this
is coming from a non-white person.

We, as a society (ie, the world) are fucked. It seems like we'll latch
onto any sort of previous damage caused to ones race for as long as
possible, and just play that card as often as possible just to get
ones way.

Ok, here's a history lesson that will probably make you shit yourself.
It wasn't until the 1960's that Aboriginals were taken off the fauna
and flora list. Did you get that? Before that time, they weren't even
classified as being human, thereby giving you the right to do whatever
you saw fit with them. You could kill one, and it wouldn't be
classified as murder. How sick and narrow minded are we as species to
let that kind of thing pass us by?

"Well Chris, I was sitting on my ass in Sweden, what the fuck was I
meant to do, even if I did know about it?"

Fine, kind of hard to know what's happening on the other side of the
world with the communications technology available during that time,
but what if you did know. And you told your friends, and the word just
spread. Would you ever do anything about it? What would you do? I
think it would just remain a simple topic over the coffee table for a
week, at best, and then switch over to something more important, like
how many kids Branjelina have now.

Here's a good current example. The punishment system in Sweden, life
is what, 12 years? What about raping a little girl, 3-4 years? Wow.
Why don't you just spank my bottom and call me a bad dog while
instead, it's just as effective. Ok, granted, most prisoners would
love to kill a child rapist, so survival chances aren't all that
great, but let's just say that they did live, survive the whole ordeal
of becoming the communal finger puppet (read: ass raped by everyone –
at the same time).

I'm noticing this is becoming a very dark post. Don't know if I should stop.

Oh, and I have a stronger and stronger feeling to get involved with
the news, but I hate being lied to and I just don't know where to get
straight facts that would allow me to form my own opinions. I was told
about Al-Jazeera, how straight edge they were. "Awesome!" I thought.
Go to their web page, and it's practically only how we're ripping
ourselves apart, and how we're trying to find new and more fun ways of
doing it as well. Maybe it was the wrong day to check out the news, I
don't know. But it gave me a good incentive not to get any off spring
and push some poor child into a world where we don't give two shits
about another person. Yes, the majority of people are good, but how
good are you willing to be to a complete stranger? How much are you
willing to help and how much are willing to risk in exchange of
feeling good and knowing that you changed someones life? Me? Not so
much. Because it feels like no matter what I would do, it wouldn't
solve the problem that the specific person in question has. Maybe
short term, but what about long term. I'm simply not qualified to do
something like that. However, what if we as a society helped one
person. Think of it, not just your three friends giving you support,
but a whole city. Let's scale it down, think if it was just your whole
local community, within a mere 2-3 km radius of your house? Think of
what we would be able to accomplish.

Bah...ok, just going into a never ending ramble which has no end.

Anyway, I went to a rodeo tonight. It was cool to see a bunch of
cowboys. Real cowboys.

I'm off. Laters.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Guess what?

So, this is my first official blog post from my new MacBook Pro 15"!!! Whoop!

It's going to have to be a short post, because I'm a bit busy masturbating over this baby. Sorry guys!

However, now, when I do want to write about something, then I can do it straight away instead of having to wait until I get to a computer. Schweet!


Monday, August 9, 2010

Odd happenings

Yesterday, I helped some Aboriginals break into their car...which turned out not to be their car...awekward when the real owner rocked up.

Just kidding, I did help them break into their car, which was a bit unsucessful, so we had to call in a lock smith to open the door, which was pretty cool to see what tools they use, which was pretty much similar to my tools , but beefier.

Also had a gay Aboriginal prostitute crack onto me, which was really weird, but simply told him he was making me nervous, which made him leave me alone.

What else is new? If I don't score a job by the end of the week, I'm going back west where I hear there's a lot of work at the moment. Hoefully that'll stay true for when I get there, otherwise, I'll just have to head back East or sell all my stuff, and jump over to South East Asia and stay there for an undetermined amount of time.

Oh! And I found out that I could of maybe been a nurse already!!! My brothers wife informed me that when I was put onto the reserve list for the school, I should of been there physically during the roll call, for if any of the accepted people weren't there, they would then jump to the reserves. Intaaarrresting.