Wednesday, February 20, 2008

never ending story

Hey guys, it's been a while, yeah? Sorry about that, the past couple of days have been pretty eventful.

A couple of days a ago, a Canadian a I met a while back came up north from Tuts to visit for the weekend, and we had quite a good time. We went free diving with Cam for scollops (made a record of 10.1meters in my free dive, and a total of 20 seconds underwater hitting 7.4 meters at the same time), we caught 50 of them, which was then turned into an amazing appeticers to a beautiful dinner (steaks, sallad, beer, etc).

The next day Mr. Canada, Ms. Denmark, and I went off onto a day tour over to Matauri Bay and Rainbow Falls, which was also, incredible. Matauri Bay was hot as and just amazing as it always is. But RF this time around was just superb, why? Because we went swimming in the falls. Yup, you read me right, we went swimming in the pool under the falls, and into the falls. We got behind the falls, and found a pretty neat cave inside aswell. Ms. D got some photos of the whole event, so I'll be posting those as quickly as I can.

Then today, the misses (Ms. D) and I went over to Kerikeri today to have some food at a Middle Eastern cafe/restaurant which was just excellent. Had some Shazram (spiced lamb with humus and sallad) and got it in a doggy bag to go cause the misses didn't eat all of hers (dinner). After lunch we went over to Wairere Boulders which I was bit skeptical to go to, but when we started walking there it was just magical. I mean it was just crazy how beautiful it was! I took heaps of photos, but I didn't have time to do the whole tour of the track, but what I saw and climbed (had to climb some boulders while I was there you know). Yeah man, it was choice! I had some hard times getting good shots with my camera, because of all the lighting. But I got some wicked ones. Yes yes, I know, I'm still learning how to use my camera to its 100% potential, but we didn't have enough time on the track for me to fiddle with it too much. I guess I just have to go there again (SWEET!).

Sorry for no photos guys, will try and post some on Sunday/Monday for you guys, if all goes as planned.

Aight, gonna bounce, see ya guys soon (especially Mom and the Troll)!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.