Monday, February 4, 2008

Brief Update

Life is good, the hostel work is nice and cruisy. I'm not making heaps of cash through it, but I'm going plus minus zero at the moment, which is good enough for me.

Sadly I won't be able to publish photos as often as before, because the computers here prohibit that, but we'll see if I can't find another solution for that, eh? I usually do, don't I? I really want to use my bro's FTP server that he's setup for me, but I don't know when I'll get the chance to exploit it. I digress.

I've been meeting a lot of people here at the hostel, and it's really great. I'm reading more and more now. I just finished John Grisham, The Testament, which I can really recommend. And now I'm reading a non-fictional book on homicidal couples. I don't know why, but yeah, I'm reading that's weird.

Been hanging out with Cam quite a bit as well, and he just ordered a wake board online, and he has a new sound system in his boat, so hopefully I'll be wake boarding on my free time which would be, as the French say, mellard (sick).

Everytime I write a blog, I notice how my english is becoming more and more Kiwi. I find it interesting, and I hope I don't lose it, it would be such a shame to be losing words like whops, jandels, and choice out of my daily vocab.

Oh, went back to Matauri Bay with a girl from the hostel, and it was grrrreat! Beach was nice and clear, water was amazing, and we walked up a hill to see a statue for the Rainbow Warrior, an old Green Peace ship that was sunk by some French military a while back. I'll try and post those pictures up, they turned out pretty good. Thank you Nikon D40!

Aight guys, I'll talk to you later, yeah?! Sweet as!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey man!

Nice and cruisy? Sounds just like Ericsson :-)

Grymma bilder. Det är skitkul att se bilderna.

Keep up the good work!