Monday, June 1, 2009

Colourful randomness during g(r)ay days

Sucked in. That's usually what you say if something has happened opposite to someone's predictions - usually for the worse. How does this relate to me? Meh, not a whole lot, it would be more like sucked-not-quite-in-but-close.

My time here in Sydney isn't bad at all, but I'm not pulling in the money that I thought I would be with my amazing 7 hours a week at the pizza joint I'm working at. I've now got another job at another pizza joint, and an interview at a bar (which my boss really talked me up, saying I know heaps of different cocktails - I'm buggered). So what does this boil down to? I might end up leaving Sydney to hang out with my French Canadian friend from the cherry farm over in WA instead. Why you may ask? Because, at the moment, I am going minus every day/week/month in the same place as I was before. Where I'm at physically isn't a bad place, but it seems like it finacially won't be changing any time soon, which is a real drag. Big time. So, with my move over to WA, it would allow me see and do new things, while looking for a job with a friend of mine who is absolutely amazing at living a cheap life style: sleeping in parks, showering in public showers, etc. Something which I would be more than happy to do, because it would be a shit load better than going to a job which doesn't pay my rent, only partially my food, and I would most likely learn a lot from it. A LOT. He's currently driving down south from Broome at the moment, and will be in Perth sometime this week and he said he'll call me and we'll see what his plans are. What will stop me from going would be is if I can actually start earning some more money, if not. And if I don't make any more $$$, then I'll probably jump over the continent to do some crazy stuff over there and go bankrupt like everyone in this country. Yippee.

Another the greyer side of things, my flatmate has placed the deposit for the store he wants, so all he needs to do now is sign some paper work, lodge and have his his A form approved by the local council (gives him the right to modify the building), start on the interior of the store, and by the start of August, it should be up and running. Fact of the matter is that I'm running on the presumption that the store won't be open for when I return to Australia, and if that is the case, then we'll have to figure something else out. Real quick.

My older brother was here last week, which was an unusual experience. It wasn't so much as a surprise to see him on the otherside of the world with me, it was more of like, why wouldn't he be here. I'm pretty sure I would react like that to pretty much anyone I know from back in Sweden coming over here for what ever reason. I digress. We had dinner with our old family friends from England/USA, and also did some minor site seeing along Darling Harbour, Harbour Bridge, Opera House, and the Botanical Gardens. And Jon was pretty lucky to come to Sydney when he did because some crazy nut got the ingenious idea to light up all of Sydney with amazing colours and designs on all of important building around (Opera House, Museum of Contemporary Art, etc). Quite an amazing sight. I took some photos of it, which you can check out on my Picasa later on. Also got to meet an interesting character too, one of Herk's work companions, we'll call him Cyborg, since I don't really like to use peoples real names. Anyway, Cyborg told us a story of a small trip he did to a Columbian prison while doing his tour in South America. Now, he did NOT get put into the prison, he merely went to visit someone there. Ok, so let's get it clear, Cyborg did NOT get arrested in Columbia...well, that's what he told us anyway....hmmmm...yes. Well, really cool dude nontheless, with an awesome story.

Just starting thinking about when I was in the car with my flatmate (ok, his nickname is now Kraut Fighter or KF for short), and strongly believes that I should drop my ideas of studying nursing, and actually start studying multimedia. Primarily because we so many discussions on the topic. I find mulimedia very interesting, but not passionate about it. I then tried to explain to him that if he were disecting his car engine every day, that I would be standing right next to him, trying to absorb as much information as possible. I've concluded through my time in Sweden (after SSHL: Shit Shoveling Hitler Lovers that is), and especially after the army, I love to learn new things, things that I have interest in, and even in random things, like how to setup an anti-freeze system for cherries, or even how to setup and run a hostel/business. It mainly boils down to making me more useful and functional. I can't really explain it, and also, I've learnt that you can learn at least one thing from every person you meet in your life. Be it completely useless facts to revolutionary ways of how to percieve the world around you. Hmm...yeah. So far, I've only met one person with my same views on a lot of things, and that's this guy who I might go and travel with in WA. It was always fun having conversations with him.

Yeah, and on that note, I'll leave you to it to check out some of my photos: Oz in HDR (two new photos) and Blip'n Blop.


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