Monday, July 28, 2008


I'm currently in a sticky predicament with my jobs. Nothing bad has happened, but something could happen. What I'm referring to is that I've been offered jobs with the office temp agency and they pay better, but I'm more or less a permanent laborer on the construction site that I'm currently on. I like the foreman there, but I hate the pay:work ratio involved, it's a freaking joke! I've already left the site once for the other job, and I felt like crap having to bend the truth to the foreman as to my absence. I didn't tell I what I was doing, until he asked me, and I didn't tell him it was with a completely different company either. As most of you know, my moral/ethical compass is very strong at times and I hate being a dick, but as I see, I'm a backpacker, so I can put a magnet under the compass and make it point in my North. I don't know. I was thinking about approaching the foreman and explaining the situation, because I think he understands, but at the same time, would be a real drag if he told me to burn in hell and then makes my company fire me...not cool.

Besides that small predicament, the following has happened. I've watched Batman: The Dark Knight twice, one day after another; partied; taken some photos; and finally accepted the fact that I hate women (No! I'm not going gay!). It's just too long to explain, it's just that I finally believe in what Chris kept on telling me when I was in Sweden: Women's nature is like a rotwiler's, it CANNOT be trusted. Blah!

Ok, gonna bounce now, talk to you later!

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