I'm down to about 250 AUD now, which is pretty shit to say the least. Getting things rolling to start work, so that's a good thing. All I need now is to find a place to stay while I'm here. Where will that be? I have no idea.
Not too concerned about it neither.
That's the beauty and downfall of travelling: the uncertainty of it all. Not always knowing where to park your car, will the car still be there, will I get paid, are they going to call me back, etc.
But think if it was all just given to me? Think if I didn't have to apply to ten different jobs a day, and that jobs just flew at me? Sure it would be great, but what about everything that I learn from being rejected, hardship, shortage of cash, etc. Some pretty valuable lessons I think. It, theoretically, should allow me to appreciate things a bit more. For how long will that last? What about in ten years time after I've had a nice smooth time, will I look back and think of how hard I had it? Hopefully I won't, and that I'll be able to teach it to somebody else.
Know what I mean? Cause I don't. Am I high or drunk? No. Just having some brain diarrhea.
Checked out Henry Rollins. Both shows. It was fucking amazing. Seriously. You MUST see him. This guy is smart, entertaining, inspiring, and intense.
Both shows were a little bit different, some bits were more or less exactly the same, although the message he was trying to get across was still the same.
Which was: get your fat head out of your ass and look around you, fix it, we can do it. Not so much in those words, more like these words.
If you were to think of this century as being a child, it's only ten years old, it's still young. So that means that we can still teach, change, and shape it into what we want it to be during our time. We won't make it to see it hit the 2100 marker, or most of us won't at least. But this is ourcentury, we need to take control over, and not let the big boys run it. We put them into power, we can easily take them out. Think of getting rid of hatred, racism, bigotry, and all the other bullshit that's in our world right now, fucking up the party for everyone else. Wouldn't you feel good, when lying on your death bed, knowing that you made everything a little bit better?
He also gave a speech to a group of students graduating university in Northern California, and one part of the speech was this:
You wake up to go to class, cramming more and more information into your head. Learning something new everyday, doing this for four years. It is quite an accomplishment, and you should be proud of yourselves. But don't think you're out of it just yet. Just because you're free to get a well paying job, buy a house, fill it with stuff, fill it with a partner, breed, does not allow you to stop asking the most important word in your vocabulary: why.
Why is this reason you got up in the morning to learn what you learned, and it's a word you have too keep on using for the rest of your life. Never stop asking why.
Yeah man, awesome dude. Really recommend you score some of his material from the internet or read one of his books, primarily Get In The Van.
I went to my first assignment for one of the temp agencies I work for, which was well...yeah...not that great. I worked at pie factory, Ms. Mac's Pies to be precise, and I helped make the filling in the "kitchen" which involved tipping ingredients into a big cooking pot. Nummers. I also had to help mix the starch they use for thickening. It was grrreat.
The pay was meh...but better than nothing.
On the plus side, another temp agency I work for has a job lined up for me this Monday at a tire company where I'll drive a forklift and do other manual labor tasks as well, and the pay is a lot better, by 7.20AUD, which is awesome! Yay me!
Oh, when I was being interviewed at one of temp agencies, I surprised my interviewer because she asked me why I like working in the industrial field, and I replied I don't, it's just good money and that I want to become a nurse. She got a bit of blank stare. I love those moments :D
I could be there for a while, depending on how I do. I'm not to worried about it, but we'll see what happens, eh?
Today is my day off, and not too sure what I'm going to do, guess I'll try to find somewhere more permanent to stay while I'm here.
Ok, I'm off! See'ya guys!
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