Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Operation: Surprise Bitches

"To my little partner in crime,I have a mission for you if you wish to accept it. It is called, Operation: Surprise Bitches. The wheels have already been set into motion as we speak.

I have told my parents that I am to land in Sweden August 1, 2009; however, I am going to be landing actually on the July 31, 2009. Where do you fall into place in this mischievous little op you ask? Fix transport from the airport to your place and where I'll drop off my stuff and make a super secret ninja manouver over to my parents place later on (read: you can drive me there if you can, please? Sucky sucky?).

I know that it's in about 3 months time before I'll be arriving, but you want to help me out? Can you?


"-Mission accepted.-Starting preparation of check point one for the subject´s arrival.-Transportation is prepared.-Standing by for further orders."

This is the email I had sent to my Partner in Crime (Little J) on May 6. His reply came 5 days later.
As some of you may know, I have been lying to you. Big time. Do I feel guilty about it? Nope.
What did I lie about? Well, if you couldn't figure it out from my email, then I'll tell you: It was my arrival date. I actually arrived on the 31st of July and not the 1st of August. Why the lie? So I could surprise you of course!!!

Here's how it went down:
My friend Little J came and picked me up from the airport, where I was given my own surprise! Another friend of mine was there to greet me too! It was DJ CBC (Celibate By Choice) and his new girl and her baby boy. And man, it was a pretty awesome moment. We hung out in the airport until CBC and Co. had to jump on their own flight out of Stockholm to their home down in Denmark. Once they had left, L.J. and I made our way to his flat for me to drop off some of my stuff and pack for the weekend with my parents.

We then made our way out to Bird Bridge to complete Op. And the closer we got, the faster my heart was beating, knowing that my arrival would be completely unexpected. Our first obstacle, which I had completely forgotten, was the bloody gate and it's number pad. I had some vague idea of the number pattern for the code, and so I recommend some for Jimmy to try (since he was the one driving). On the 4th attempt, we were granted access. We pull up in front of my parents house, and I see the lights were on. Excellent, I think to myself. Grab my stuff out of the car, open the porch gate, and then open the front door. I first see my sister with a quizitive look on her face, and then it came: Nääääe! Näääääe!!! My sister runs to me and gives me a big hug, and then my mom sees me and starts screaming. She runs over to give me a hug as well, and then starts screaming for my dad to come down. My dad then confesses when he first heard my mom and sister screaming, he thought that someone was trying to break into the house, but quickly figured something else was up when my mom told him to come downstairs.

Operation: Surprise Bitches was a complete success.

I've now been in Sweden for 6 days, and it's all pretty good. I still have some friends to meet, but that will be happening soon enough.

I'll keep the blog updated a bit while I'm still here, but for those of you who have my email address, you can reach me and get my new phone number. Or via Facebook.

See'ya soon!

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