I woke up at my friend Ruffio's place in the student ghetto, which wasn't too un-common for me some times on weekends depending on the flow of the whole evening.
Anyway, today I was out swimming at Vinterviken "close" to where I live. By myself mind you, and yet again, it was a good experience. There was a couple there bathing too, but sadly, didn't talk to them. And funnily enough, I'm becoming more Swedish during my time here. Looking more at the ground when I'm walking. Don't greet people while I'm walking along etc. I try to greet people and about...89% of the time i get a response, but the other 11% I don't even get the slightest achknowledgement of my own personal existence.
Welcome to Sweden
Anyway, when I arrived to where I was going to go swimming it was raining, and then when I jumped into the water, it kept on raining, and then after about....5 min? it all stopped, and the skies began to clear. Now then, I wanted to go swimming the second I got back home from Ruffio's place, however, it took some time for me to get out the door (read: I started watching Tropa de Elite). And so, when the weather cleared, and I was up on the cliffs, I began to think (as many of you know I maybe do too much of) and began to analyze the whole scenario.
If you want to do something, and I mean really want to do something (in my case, go swimming), but you keep on letting the oppurtuntity pass you by, then it's you'll feel crap (ie, it'll rain), but once you do it (no matter what the outcome) you'll feel better for doing it (the weather clears and the heat comes back).
Oh! And when I got to the water, I was hoping for the water to go blue again (via the skies reflection), but it wasn't like that when I got there, but then the weather cleared, and the water was yet again, ab-so-f¤%&ing-beautiful!
Tomorrow, hopefully, Herk, Big-E, Troll, and I will be going to Gröna Lund for the day. Let's hope the weather turns like it did today!