Saturday, February 7, 2009

Rainy Day

Today, to my surprise, it started to rain, and so now I can't work and the owners have let us come to their house to do some laundry, take showers, use the internet, and just relax in a house, and not in a cramp tent/caravan. Speaking of tents, I crawled into mine the other day and realized that I had to clean it up and thought that it was some what funny. Why? Because, I've been in my tent for so long now that I've started to treat it like it's my apartment (read: messy) and I'm pretty sure not a whole lot of people get to thinking that they may need to clean up their tent. Usually you spend one or two nights in it, pack up, and move on. Yeah, anyway, ending that subject.

New camera is bloody amazing! It's got heaps of features which will allow me to take (and already taken) some interesting photos. Before, I would ask salesmen/friends what the difference is between a D40 and a D90, and I would just get the answer: a lot. And that never really clarified what I could do with the other camera. But now that I have it, I fully understand what they were talking about! It's awesome. However, there are a lot of options on it, the learning curve is there, I just don't know how steep it is. But I am very glad that I had the D40, cause now I have a pretty good grasp of the theoretical/practical side of photography. But there is still much to learn! And oddly enough, I've taken a big interest in cloud formations lately, they're pretty spectactular down here (hard to photograph though).

On another note, I've been doing some prunning of the trees, not too exciting, but it's money and pretty chill. Also bought a real Aussie hat the other day (made in Fiji), so I'll try and post some photos of that for you guys!

And we did a road trip over to the East coast of Tasmania to Wine Glass Bay, which was pretty awesome. While the others went to check out the beach, I decided to cruise around by myself, and ended up doing some bouldering, which I must say was incredibly stoopid of me, but it was bloody amazing! I video taped a bit of it (in HD! Yay D90!) I did one climb which was through some really tight spaces, and another one where if I messed up, I think I would of needed a helicopter to take me to hospital. Why did I do all this? Why not. I'm in Australia, I wanted to do something a bit more off the beaten track (while on the beaten track), and it was worth! Best of all, doing it bare foot. I feel like I get so much better control while bare foot than any other way.

To conclude this blog entry, I will give you some photos that I've taken with my new camera! Not edited might I add, HAHA! Sorry, won't post the videos, need to compress them. Aight, catch ya later!

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