I just remembered I told him I'd sent him some photos that I took a while back...and I forgot - DAMN!!! Oh well, I'll sort that out later. Now I feel like crap.
I digress. The last night out was really nice because it was Jam Night at the BeachHouse which is usually a lot of fun. Random people come down and play some tunes with instruments provided and some of the people there could really Jam man, hard too. It was a good way to end my little side trip.
The next morning, I woke up early and got ready to hitch hike down to Wellington. I knew it was going to be a long day, but my hopes were high and I was ill prepared (ie, I didn't have any i-am-stuck-in-whops food). Awesome. I got a ride from my boss to an ideal place to get picked up from, or so she thought. After waiting about 15 minutes, and feeling like I was going no where, I picked up my gear and make a walk up the hill with my sign out by my side. Once I reached up to the top of the hill, I saw a car pulling out of a side street and I gave a big smile and held up my sign to him. He waved me on! It made my day that much brighter considering that it was starting to rain. The guy had just moved back from Europe where he had been a stock broker and rugby player, quite an interesting story. He could only take me as far as Kawakawa, which isn't too far away, but every kilometer counts, right? After waiting for about 3-5 minutes another car picks me up, sweet!
Before I continue, I have to go back a little to the start of my morning. When I was making my sign, I had decided to write only South on one side and Welly on the other in hope that people would pick me up quicker and not think "I'm not going to Wellington, good luck pal." Well, I scored, big time. I jump in the car, he asks where I'm heading, and before I get to answer, he sees the back of my sign and says that I'm a lucky bastard. I asked him why, and he said because he was heading to Wellington. You have no idea how relieved I was when I heard this - I could of kissed the guy.
And was this guy a character or what?! We had to get some gas and empty the car of trash in good old Whangaz (Whangarei). I helped him out and then he started to look for all 3 of his phones, he only found 2 of them. He thought that he had left it at home, but was pretty sure that it had been in his car. We start calling it, but we couldn't hear anything. After some thinking, we start calling again, but in a different location - the trash can. "RING RING!!!" Score! We got it. We start heading down the road again and did this guy talk, man was he talkative. He told me heaps of random stories and asked me a bunch of questions. He also warned me that he had to do some shopping along the way in Auckland. We were going to pick up a body kit for his car (Sky Line), a fridge for his engine, a queen sized bed his mom had bought but forgot to mention, and some toy cars. It was going to be a long day - all part of the adventure!
First stop: picking up the fridge. It looked like a grill up front, but apparently you use it to cool your motor down even more, I think.
Second stop: Queen size bed. I was wondering how we were going to pull this off without having to kick me out of the car, but the guy said it would be sweet. We would just have to strap the bed to the roof. Awesome! We get there, and meet the sellers and they are some of the nicest people I've ever met. Happy little family with two kids, and one bad ass fire truck that they had pimped out! They colored it black and white like zebra...just look at the photo ;D

They had installed a bunch of speakers and they're currently looking for sponsorship to have a Playstation or Xbox installed too. This isn't for they're own pleasure, they use it for charity events and just drive kids around, really cool! Anyway, when I was done slobbering over this beast, we checked out the bed that we were meant to pick up, and I was told that it would be taken apart, but when I saw it, I almost shat myself. It was a complete queen size bed minus the mattress. I all of a sudden thought I would have to find another ride. But the owners quickly said that they left in tact so the buyer could see how to put it back together again. After dissembling it, and strapping it to the roof and placing some pieces in the car, it was all good to go!
Third Stop: Toy cars. We were looking for a small Asian shop, but instead came to a real car dealer run by a not so very nice woman, but yeah, not going to waste time on her. No real story here, except that the toy cars were for his dead son. He put cars on his tomb every month I think it was, and these are some that he had found pretty cool, so he bought them.
Fourth Stop: Skyline Body Kit. I knew this was going to be big, but not entirely sure of how big. Well, it was massive. We strapped it to the roof and put some in the car. The front fend was first put on top of the car so it looked like we were the frikkin Flintstones with a massive rib on the roof! Awesome!
This was the end result:

I don't remember what time we left there, most likely 15.30ish. The drive down was about 10 or so hours. Yippy. It was a nice drive down, jamming with his stereo system and MASSIVE sub he had rigged into his car. I bought him drinks during the ride and some food. And then he bought me food too in exchange for using my rope to strap the stuff to the roof. During the trip, we passed through the desert road which had snow in it which made the ride a bit more exciting. Nothing happened, and I trusted his driving - no other choice.

And I climbed up an airplane that had been closed off and was the main airplane for Cookie Time cookies.

So, I was on top of the main fuse lodge. Yes, dad, it was dangerous, that's why I was careful with my every movement. Couldn't really get a good photo of me on top of it...so...blah. Yeah.
We finally arrived to Wellington at 03 in the morning, and I was completely shattered. I wanted to check into Rosemere backpackers, but I knew that they were closed, so I had MSGF help me out with that one. He snuck me into Nomads, and I slept on a bed that was free :D I then had to sneak out again before 10 and they had to clean the room.
That was my trip down! Since then, I've been working with the construction temp agency and it's a killer of job. Heavy lifting and just all around hard out. I lift everything correctly, straight back, using my legs, but I have a small pain in the right side of my back. I'm going to try to get a massage for it and see if it helps. I'm also trying to get some more work through my other temp agency this is mainly office work, but they keep on telling me that they don't have any work, which is BS cause a friend of mine who also works through them gets heaps of offers all the time. So lame. Meh.
Besides the work side of life, I'm doing okay. I really miss MSGF, we had some good times together. I'm making some friends at Rosemere right now, which is good, and I still know some people down at Nomads, so I'm not completely alone. One thing I do miss is the Swedish summer and hanging out at the park. I'll get to do that in a while though I guess, eh? It all depends on what's going to be happening with everything. We'll see.
Ok guys, that's it, I'll talk to you later, have a good one till then! Check out the albums, there may be new photos that I haven't posted or mentioned!
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