Oh, wow! I almost forgot what happened in Gisborne! The one of the biggest annual festival in NZ - The Rhythm & Vines Festival! It was totally amazing. It was a 24hr festival with a bunch of stages, and large variety of music. I went there with two Canadians that I got to know at the camp site, and met another girl at the internet cafe who had stayed at the camp site too. So it ended up being me, the two Canadians, the girl and her friend. We were a happy bunch! Oh, I got to be a smuggler for the festival! We were getting on these party buses, and they were patting people down before they got on board to make sure they weren't bringing their own booze, and the the girl who I met at the cafe had 4 Red Bulls in backpack which we were skeptical as to whether or not we'd get them into the festival. So I took action, knicked the drinks, and popped them down my pants! Haha! Most of you guys have seen me with my pants tied up at my calfs giving it a 3/4 pants look, yeah, that's what I had going on. A perfect hiding spot! The guards pat my sweater, and let me pass, the others surrounded me a bit to hide the fact that you could easily see the cans in the pants swinging around while I was walking. We get on the bus, and we're surrounded by a military personel on leave. They start to sing these marching songs which were pretty funny, can't remember any of it, but I know they weren't all that proper if you catch my drift :P
Once we arrived to the site, we had to get our wrist bands, and walk past the 2nd security check, not a problem! Or so I thought. They do a proper pat down on me, and when they come down to the bottom of my pants, they grab the cans! I was thinking "Oh shit, oh shit!" And then the woman reaches into my pocket and grabs my granolla bars that I had stuffed in there! Boo ya! She starts going for the otherone to make sure it was the same, but I quickly intervene and pull them out myself just to make sure she doesn't grab the cans this time. And she said I was smart to bring those with me and let me go on in. Hell yeah! Breaking the law! Or something like that. But we were all pretty stoked that I got them in.
We start heading up the hill for the big event, and there's just so many people it's ridiculous! There were supossed to be around 20,000 people there, and I guess there was. So first thing on our agenda was to get some drinks sorted, but my Canadian friends inform me that they use a RFID card there for payments instead of cash. So I had to get a debit card filled up before I could buy any booze. Get that sorted, and then we go to the bar. The drink we wanted wasn't in stock, so we went over to another bar, and after 40 minutes to our arrival, we finally got our drinks. It was a just havok over there. The two girls had disapeard from us along with one of the Canadians, so all of a sudden, some Irish girls start talking to us (who were just totally trashed, it wasn't even funny). The two girls who were with us text me, asking where we had gone off to, we hook up with them again, and start socialising with them. The two Canadians were gone now, so now I'm left with the two girls to hang out with, no problem.
We move over to another stage and buy another bottle of wine to share between ourselves. Something that turned to tragedy. While I was drinking from the bottle of wine, one of the girls who was completely out of it (I was pretty tipsy, but not drunk as she was) stubbled backwards and hit the bottle against my right front tooth and chipped the bottom left of it off. Awesome! Or not. It sucked quite a lot. I heard the crack and was just waiting for the pain to come. Luckily it was a small chip, nothing too serious, but something that I want to be fixed ASAP. She started to cry about it, but I reassured he it was okay, and that I was fine. Typical drunk women, eh? :P
Well, after getting over that, I start drinking with an eye of where people were relative to me, along with using my lips and teeth guards. Anyway, the girls started to get friendly with me later towards the end of the night, and well, when the clock struck twelve, I was making out with two girls :D And then they started to play Sandstorm by Da Rude which really fit the moment. So I started dancing and feeling absolutley amazing. One of the girls runs off to buy another bottle of wine, and that was the last we saw of her until we started to head of the buses in the morning.
Krystal and I were just hanging out walking around, looking for Katie (her friend), and stumble on a girl who was lying down on the ground with two people around her while others were walking by. I quickly start seeing if they were ok, and they thought their friend was dead. After slapping her a bit, she says she's okay, and I basically order her friends to take her to the ambulance straight away. This is why I try not to drink too much. Well, after changing my underwear, we continue walking around, and after getting dead tired, we both head over to a calm spot under a tree and collapse (nothing happened, I swear). And I had set my alarm clock to 0530 so we would catch the sun rise. Which proved pointless, because it was pretty cloudy that morning, so we went back to sleep for another 2hrs, woke up, and decided to head over to the buses. While we were walking there, we wondered where Katie had gone off to. And low and behold, we basically walk over her. She hooked up with some bloke there, and they just lay there in the middle of the path cuddling each other. It was cute. We seperate them two, and take her with us, get on the bus, and depart from there. Oh, Katie wasn't all too far away from the Port-A-Potties, and we all figured it would be a great moment to do our morning business. OMG, it was a like a scene from a horror movie or something! I've never seen shit piled up like that! It literally went up to the rim! EEEEEWWWW!!!!!! Seven toilets - in a row - were exactly like this. It was disgusting!
Bla! Anyway, I took the remainder that day off, and decided to hang with the two English chicks. The older one of the two was way too tired, so me and the other one went into town for a walk and lunch. It was really nice, really relaxed.
And now, I'm back up north, working with my DM course, which is going really well. I should be done on the 9th if all goes smoothly. Having some problems with my ears again, but I'm sure it's going to be sorted by tomorrow.
Aight guys, I'm gonna bounce now, I'll talk to you later, my fingers are pretty tired!

1 comment:
Yo my man!
Hur är läget? Jag börjar på Ericsson på måndag. Tjuhuuu... he he he. Håller på att flytta alla prylarna till Stockholm nu.
Finns det Dunkin' donuts nånstans där du är eller?
Ha det gött!
/Family man
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