Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Almost Departed

Wow! All I can say is wow!

I had a going away party last night and it was absolutely fantastic! The amount of people that turned up was just way beyond belief, everybody was having a great time, it was spectacular! All in all we were 33 people! I've never held party that big, and it turned out exactly the way I had hoped. Well, almost to tell you the truth. I did get pretty drunk, but I kept it real cool. However Jimmy, my partner in crime, didn't do all to great. Sadly. He got pretty trashed and started to throw up everywhere. And another girl started to vomit, but ce'la vi, right?

I'm currently hung over a tiny tiny bit, but it's all good! I just need to clean up and pack up where we partied, and eat some breakfast. Pretty vital that I do that before I do anything else, yeah?

Aight, but I need to get started with the packing/cleaning up, so I'll do that now, and try to post up some photos from the party!

*POOF* - slowly trudges away from keyboard

PS - Much love to Jimmy & Ruffus (aka. Sebbe, aka. Darling) for helping me out with setting up the party room and helping me move my computer too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha, oops, I think I just sent you that as an e-mail...
gonna try this....

dude, seriously, ROCK ON MAN!!!
hono being your buddy, even though you're going to theother side of the globe just to get away from us... o.O
