Sunday, December 28, 2008

Delay time

This is somewhat late, but better late than never.


You may be wondering, how was Maria (pronounced Ma-rye-a) Island? It was absolutely spectacular! The views and just the feeling of doing some hard work for once just felt bloody amazing doing some real camping for once (read: carrying all my gear & food). However, there were some really stooopid things that I did. First off, wrong shoes (two sizes too small, works for short distances); second, didn't tape my feet; thirdly, carried way too much gear. Now then, where I really messed up. I trusted some peoples information too much, why? Because I ended up carrying *drum roll* 13.75L of water. In total I was carrying around 30+kg. It killed me. But I did it, which I'm very proud of I must add. I carried it all for about 14km. Not too sure of how long it took, but I think it went smoothly. The camping spot I chose wasn't too special, but it wasn't too shabby mind you. Hidden under some trees for shade during the day and some protection from the weather. I had some view of the bay that I was located in, which was pretty nice especially in the mornings with a sun rise to waken you up. Happy days. Happy happy days.

Day 2 was pretty intense. Ended up hiking around 30km from the campsite to a place called
Haunted Bay and then later to another important spot called Robey's Farm, which was a complete freaking waste of time. Haunted Bay on the other hand, holy Hell. It was near perfect in all ways. It really reminded me off the Swedish archipeligo rock formations some how, just different in small details: colour, not as much moss, and rougher. I found a small niche which was bloody amazing. If I had my old army bivy sack, I could slept there without any problems what so ever. Ok, some problems. Windy as shit, and the biggest problem of them all. If it rained really hard, there's a good chance that the water run off would of swept me into sea resulting in a lot of trouble. While I was in the bay, I saw quite a few penguins in the holes. Smelled pretty funky, but awesome to see them in their natural habitat nontheless. There were also quite a lot of small lizards running the place, that were really cute. I almost stepped on a few because they were eveywhere.

On my 3rd day there I packed my tent and started walking towards where I started my trip. Via the inland track this time, so that I could do the Mt. Maria walk as well. Now, lets not forget what a dumb ass I was, as I previously stated. By this point, I was more or less walking on a pair of bloody stumps. I might as well of just crawled all of the place by this point of time. Now, please don't think that I'm over exagerating, because, I'm not. The small toe on my left foot currently is missing about 2mm of skin on the front/inside tip. Not a pretty picture. The skin got loose, folded in on itself and was very uncomfortable. Very very uncomfortable. I didn't really know all this, I just knew that there was a lot of discomfort on my feet. Anyway. I climb the mountain, and it was one hell of climb. It was pretty technical towards the top, but it was a lot of fun. Heaps of fun climbing to the top while jamming to some awesome tunes. The top was great, to say the least.

(I just realized that I've been typing for some rediculous amount of time now, and I'm pretty tired, so I'm thinking about just whizzing through the rest of this.)

So, finished the mountain, cruised down to the wharf (
Darlington), pitched my tent, hung out with some people I met during a small bit of the hike, and then went to bed, tired as hell.

Next day (
today) I get a ride from Triabunna to Hobart from one of the coolest women, ever. She's got a ticket for just about everything to do with the outdoors. Vertical rescues, film making, survival course, instructor for various things, and now she's a guide. She's guided groups in Antartica and heaps of other places. She rules!

Anyway, back in Hobart now, the time is about 05.30, and I'm bloody tired. So on that note, I'm going to hit the sack.

Before I go though, I want to inform you that at this point, I can't upload any photos because the computer can't process the RAW images (
I think).

Aight guys, see ya in a bit, eh?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Change of plans

I'm in Hobart right now, and all is well.

I bumped into someone who I didn't really expect to bump into, but I did, which isn't too big of a surprise considering.

I've mentioned this guy before, his name is also Chris (been meeting heaps of Chris's lately). Anyway, first met him when I picked him up with my German friend while we were driving to Milford Sound. Met him in Dunedin when I found out we were staying at them same hostel, and then bumped into him Christchurch randomly. So while Sari and I were sitting at this park bench, a guy started starring at me and smiling, I didn't really think too much of it, cause I'm in Aus and everyone smiles at everyone here. But this was a little bit different when he wouldn't stop starring at me and started walking towards me. It clicked in my brain, lowe and behold it was Chris. It is, one, small, world - period. I love my life! He's down here with his misses, and we had a coffee together and well, to cut things short, it seems like we'll be doing some fruit picking together. Bloody brilliant!

I've checked out some farms in the area and there seems to be hope, not a 100% just yet, but I think it'll be sweet as. As for Christmas, plans have changed, for the better in my opinion. I'm still going to Maria Island, just by myself though. Now you may be thinking, how is this better? Well, Sari is cool, nice person, blah blah blah, she's just not my cup of tea. No point in trash talking her, just put it like this, I don't want her by my side for Christmas, I'd much rather spend it by myself and some trees. Sounds pretty depressing, but I don't think so. I thought last Christmas was going to suck, but it didn't (read this for a reminder). After that, I don't know. I might go to a festival Marion Bay, but the tickets are 180 bucks, and then booze on top of that. I don't think I'll be going though. I'll probably find some beach to spend it on. Right now, as much as I love meeting and hanging out with locals, I some how want to be away from people. It's really weird, I can't explain it. I'm sure it's just a phase of some sort.

Anyway, so yes, I'm good, I'm happy, I'm in Tasmania. What more could you ask for? Except for a massive pot of gold/money/saffron/diamonds/etc.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Economic Crisis on a Micro scale

Bloop, bleep, and finally, blap.

I'm currently in Melbourne, and all is well on the Eastern Front. I met up with my new travel partner, and she's pretty cool.

I flew from Brisbane yesterday and came here to Melbourne, and tomorrow we're going on the ferry down to Tasmania. WOOHOO!!! And we're going to be doing some CSing down there!

It seems like we're going to be spending Xmas on Maria Island (sweetness!). After which I think I'm going to stay in Tasmania and get a job. I've been spending more money than I originally thought. But don't fret, I'm not going completely bankrupt. I still have enough to last me about 2 months if I spend it wisely.

And so, not a whole lot to tell you guys. I'm well, I'm happy, I'm looking for a job :D

Here are some photos.

Friday, December 12, 2008

All is well.

In Surfers Paradise. Heading up North tomorrow to Brisbane.

Life is peachy :D YAY!!!

Will try and post some photos up later when I have a good computer.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

feelin' like a million bucks

Woke up today at 02am and then watched the sunrise...or the part of it at least. Ok, I came when it had clearly gone over the horizon, ok? :P

Here's the quote I wanted to share with you:

"I have no friends besides myself. None. I made that decision today. People turn, pull attitudes, lie, don't come through. I see it all. Every f#cking second of it and I hate it.
"I know some great people, some of whom I trust. They are okay by me. I always watch them to see when they will betray me. I have only one friend - Myself. I am always amused and amazed at how hostile and abusive people can be. ...But it's a lonely place I have put myself in. Why? Because I am sick of letdowns, lies, deceit, and betrayal. I will maintain and support Fort Rollins forever."

- 6.15.85 Tampa, FL
Henry Rollins, Get in the Van

Now, please don't start freaking. I feel just fine, but I can relate to what he's saying quite a bit. I'm not questioning any old friendships, never would I do that. But I do question the value of people that I meet along the road now a days. Hard to explain. Will try to get it into words somehow.

However, right now I have to figure out where I'm going after Byron Bay. I think it will be Surfers Paradise and then to Brisbane.

Here are some photos from Bellingen and Byron Bay. Enjoy!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Byron Bay

I've moved on, and it really feels weird. I'm in Byron Bay at the moment, and it's pretty weird being surrounded by backpackers again. This is, maybe my 5th night in a hostel here in Australia and it's just surreal.

This place really reminds me of Paihia, without a doubt. I think I'm going to go on a dive while I'm here, it's been way too long since my last dive.

Ah...I love my life guys :D Although I am in a bit of weird head space. I read something in Henry Rollins Get in the Van which pretty much clarifies exactly how I feel, but if I were to write it out to you guys, I think that you would get a bit worried (something which you don't have to be).

Ok, internet time is running low, I have to bounce! I'll speak to you guys later!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Peanut Butter Jelly Time (with a Baseball Bat)

Well, my time has come to depart Sydney and start making my way up the East Coast. I'm going to try to make my way over to Bellingen to hang out with a friend, and then after that make my way up to Brisbane. I have to be there before the 15th of December, because then I'm going to be flying down to Melbourne to meet the person whom I might be spending Christmas with. After that, we hopefully will make our way down to Tasmania with a ferry and then go down to Maria Island, like I wrote about before. Woohoo!!!

Haven't been up to much otherwise, just been bumming around. I met a Pro paintballer from the States last night which was pretty cool. Real chill dude, but also quite interesting.

After the whole Christmas and New Year deal, I pretty sure I'm going to be looking for a job of some sort.

Until then my good friends, smell ya later!

PS- I was tipsy when I wrote my last post and that was after coming home late from partying with the pro baller, not getting tipsy at the dentist.

different states

I'm a bit tipsy at the moment, but that shouldn't be any problems.

Went to the dentist, and he ripped out quite a bit out of my chipped tooth. Not cool.

But I'm ok, and I got a 55 dollar discount!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008


News? Yeah, there's some.

Just too lazy to write anything properly at the moment.

Here's what I've been up to recently:
  1. Chipped a tooth from eating a yummy beef & curry pie.
  2. Temporarily moved in with a new team mate.
  3. Played in a paintball tournament and took 4th with the team (also pulled off a 3 on 1*).
  4. Randomly met little J from Älvsjö, who I last saw 5 years ago.
  5. Planned out a trip to Maria Island in Tasmania for Christmas.
  6. Cleaned out my stuff to reduce weight.
  7. Finally found Burgel.
  8. Finally made my own guacamole (still working on it).
  9. Become addicted to both avocado and mango.
No new photos, nothing to take photos of. Sorry!
*3 on 1 is a paintball term which means there were 3 guys against me. And I won.