It's been a while, I know, and I apologize. I've just been trying to get through my recent "loss" of Ms. D which is going pretty slowly. Not really surprised that it will take a long to
get over a broken heart. Lame.
Where am I you ask? Duners bro! Uni town of NZ! Yeah, I'm still at the people I couch surfed at when I was first here and I'm more or less slowly integrating myself into their house. It's more or less an unspoken agreement that the living room is really my room, and I treat it exactly how I want to. I feel like I'm making a base here, but I don't really want that. Still trying to make Wellington my base of operations, slowly, so slowly that it's only happening in my head. Yes, I know, I'm going to get into gear and start doing what I have to do get up there and start living again. One step at a time.
Yeah, just wanted to say that I feel like I actually have some pretty good friends here in NZ now. People I can rely on. Not a lot, but enough.
Today was a pretty good day, one of the girls here invited me to go down to the Catlins with her while she visited some old friends of hers and what not. I figured, either sit in front of the computer all day and living in FaceBook/Gmail (
very tempting)
OR go and see some of NZ's best country side with my host and get to meet some real Kiwis (
semi-tempting). I concluded that I needed to get out of the house and try and have a small adventure, so I told her I'd go to the Catlins with her. And it was well worth it.
Met some good people, ate some good food and played some good pool. I got to meet a really nice Kiwi family with two young daughters (
11 and 7 I think) and they offered to host me if I was ever in the area. Which felt really good mind you. They were very hospitable: always making sure I was comfortable and just feeling good. And the mom was totally awesome! She kept on calling me
dude! Seriously, think about it, how often does a mom call a friend of yours
dude?! Very seldom. These are the type of Kiwis I've been wanting to meet. Which has lead me to believe that a lot of Kiwi's are clicky, no matter how helpful they are. There are a lot of examples that I can draw from now, but don't want to go into. Kiwi's are really great people, but very hard to get to know, and can be hard to make friends with. Something which I find very sad and didn't expect to find out. I still have a lot of Kiwis, don't get me wrong about that, it's just something I didn't see coming. Oh well.
There's not a whole lot to write right now, but I do have an some info for you guys which concerns my Photo Album. I've reorganized it so that it's in categories instead of one giant clump album. Hopefully it'll help you guys find photos and what not.